I will be publishing a bunch of pictures about the life of Destiny McClure. I've already been playing with her for awhile, so before I publish the latest pictures I need to give you a little background information. Here goes:
Destiny moved to Bridgeport, intending to become a master thief.
She not only succeeded (if you don't count getting arrested multiple times), she also maxed out all of her skills except cooking and mixology. She visited China, Egypt and France multiple times and has bought a vacation home in each country. What she didn't know (and I didn't find out until recently), is that she married someone in Egypt and has 2 children (or is it 3?) with him. She also has 3 children with someone in France. How she did this without me finding out, I'll never know. Anyway, she decided she wanted to become a vampire and did so (which, incidentally, is how she managed to max out all of her skills so quickly).
Then she wanted (or was it me?) to have children, specifically vampire children. She began seducing a reasonable good looking vampire, Beau Merrick. Unfortunately, he already had a girlfriend. Maybe that's why he refused to woo-hoo in the elevator. Then she tried her charms on another vampire, but though she had a little more luck, he kept taking off just when things got interesting. So, she gave up on vampires and tried her luck on a human, Devon. Much better luck with him. However, I realize now that I should have tried to get him to move in with her before she had the babies. Now, no matter what I do, the option to ask him to move in won't appear. So, she tried her luck with her butler. I'll post some pictures of what happened with him...its funny ;)
Back story on the butler. I hired him and turned him after awhile. However, when she moved, he didn't move with her. To get the house I wanted, I had to move her in the Edit Town screen. Thereafter, every time I hired him back, he never stayed. He never even slept in his bed. Even though I had Destiny spend lots and lots and lots of time with him, he still left.
So, instead of trying to hire him again, she asked him over, spent a little time with him, and voila! He moved in. I was thinking about giving her "the cure", but her house is now full of vampires, so maybe its not such a good idea. She would be a walking blood bag for all 4 of them. Four?! You'll see.
One last bit of information, she quit her job as a master thief once she reached level 10. Then she started a job as an Investigator. However, once she gave birth, I realized it was gonna be too difficult to take care of the children and work, so I had her quit. Its not like she needs the money. She has about 1,700,000 simoleons, plus she has a ton of jewels and artifacts that she can sell if she needs more money. She also owns multiple properties around Bridgeport. She owns so many of them, that it takes almost an entire day just to collect the money. It takes so long (even if I have her teleport), that I rarely even take the time to collect. Her bills come to over 17,000 simoleons, but its a piece of cake for her to pay.
Now for some of the early pictures of her life (the early pics aren't very well done...they get better as time goes on, so please be kind...thx):
Here is Destiny, planning a trip to China (obviously not her first trip...note the gnome in the background). |
She is fishing at her vacation home in Egypt. |
Karate practice...I think. |
Another view of her weird position. I thought it was supposed to be karate, but it looks more like painful contortions. |
This is what happens when humans eat plasma fruit. |
Getting high on bubbles...weee! |
Learning the mixology skill. |
A little too much electricity? |
Playing for tips. |
Changed (look at those eyes) |
Sleeping in her underground vault in China. |
Meditating? |
Or sleeping? |
What is that mummy playing? By the way, I built this enclosure to kill him. I didn't want a playable mummy at the time, sooo...elimination time. |
Check out the siamese twins (or is it better to say conjoined twins?). |
Another view of the twins...check out the look on Destiny's face. |
And of course the other half of "the twins." |
That's it for now. As I stated earlier, these pictures were taken much earlier, before I learned how to take better pictures. I realize they're not very well done, but I promise they'll get better. Tune in for more pictures on Destiny's life.