Here are some more pictures of Destiny's early life:
Destiny is practicing charming...butterflies?
Here she is grabbing a bottle of wine; but what is that in her left hand? Is she planning to kill the man behind her? It looks like a railroad spike to me. What would any sim be doing with a railroad spike in this game? |
Here she is again, still holding on to that spike...why?!! |
And one last time...why Destiny why? |
Here's a funny shot of how sims really look like when they sleep (lol). |
Here's a close-up of the same thing. I actually took the shot from the first floor (she sleeps on the 2nd floor). It looks painful ;) |
Just a picture of some of the dozens of gnomes that Destiny has acquired. |
Siamese gnomes? |
Who is Destiny calling now? |
More fishing. |
She looks kinda dazed. I wonder what's on her mind? |
On her way to work. |
I'll never figure out why she didn't just leave the car. The police officer is off doing something, and she's just waiting in the car like a typical dumb criminal. |
And here she is being driven off to jail...well you had a chance to escape, and didn't take it...duh! |
Here she is, finally home from work (or is it home from jail?). |
OUCH! That looks like it hurts! |
She hired a butler, and here's the room I designed for him (though she recently moved from this room for kids). |
Another view of the butler's rooms. |
Ah! The butler's posing for a sculpture. |
The finished product. I don't have it any more. It disappeared. I think it melted *sniff*sniff* |
Oh no! Its the case of the invisible butler!! |
Here's Destiny, disguising herself as a bush (as if you couldn't tell). |
"Aha! I see you!!" |
"Go away! You're ruining my cover!" Yeah, if (lol). |
What the hell is she doing to that poor woman?!! It looks like she has a gun in her hand and is threatening to (ugh) kiss her! For goodness sake, Destiny, she's not even that attractive...sheesh! |
Party Time!! Note the guy on the floor. Is he sleeping? |
Nope! I guess he's dead. Whatta way to ruin a party. |
Here is Destiny at her newest home, feeding her fish. |
Ah! It looks like the seduction of the butler is beginning. Or is she just talking? Hmmmm |
More pictures of Destiny coming soon. I think all the other ones that I'll be publishing will be the newer ones (but I'm not entirely sure). The seduction of the butler continues (with some flashbacks of the seduction of poor Devon). I will be publishing pictures of her kids soon, so keep watching my blog for more updates.
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