Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Destiny’s Story ch. 4

The continuation of Destiny’s Story. This chapter will cover the birth and age-up to toddler(s) of her child(ren). Enjoy!


driving self to hospital Destiny: Damn! Devin deserted me! Said he had to work…suuurrrre. Here I go, driving myself to the hospital, while in severe pain.

Poor Destiny.

Destiny: Shut up!


going in Destiny: Well, here goes nothing…


coming out

Surprise, surprise! Destiny had triplets! All girls…Rose, Sofia and Beth.

Destiny: I’m gonna kill Devon! How the hell am I gonna raise triplets?! Feel sorry for me…please.


Destiny: Sarcasm does not become you.


Cuddling Beth

Destiny: I love you, Beth.


feeding Beth

Destiny: Num, num, drink ‘em up Beth.

awww, baby talk already, Destiny?

Destiny: shut up!


feeding Sofia

Destiny: awww, is Sofia hungry too?


holding Beth

Destiny: You’re my cute little girl, yes you are, my sweet, sweet Rose.

gag ach bleh!

Destiny: What is that? German?

Shut up.


Nursery with 2 vamp gnomes

Destiny! Watch out! The babies are being stalked!

Destiny: Not to worry. They’re my minions. They won’t hurt my children. They know they will die if they do.

Minion 1: Shh! If we get the babies, she’ll have to love us. She won’t kill us.

Minion 2: Yesss! Get the babies!


Destiny: MINIONS!!

Minion 1: Yikes! Quick hide!


Girl's bathroom before

Time to redecorate the girl’s bathroom.


girl's bathroom after 1

What do you think?

Destiny: Not bad. I actually like it.


girl's bathroom after 2

Really? Thanks!

Destiny: Don’t let it go to your head. It’s already too big.


Destiny: hehehe


girl's bathroom after 3

Another pic of the remodeled bathroom.


Beth before

Time for Beth to age up. What is up with that expression, Destiny?

Destiny: The flame. It’s so beautiful. It’s hypnotizing. Wowww.


Beth during

Beth aging up (sorry about the pic. I learned how to do close-ups after this, which you will see in later pics. Hint: use the tab key)


Beth after

Beth, as a toddler. Yikes! Make-over time!

Beth: Heyyy! I’m not that bad!

Yes, you are.


Rose before

Rose’s time to age up. Wow, Destiny. You really should stay away from candles.

Destiny: Wowww…coooool!


Rose during

Rose, aging up.


Rose after

Rose after. Yikes! Make-over…quick!

Rose: Help me! I’m ugly! I look sick in yellow.


Sofia before

Sofia’s time to age up. And again, Destiny is wigging out on the candle.


Sofia after

And, Sofia…ta da. Well, she isn’t quite as bad as the others, but she still needs a make-over. They will all get them, once I figure out how. In the meantime, you’ll just have to put up with their not so cute looks.

Sofia: Heyyy!

Sorry, but its true.


Close up of Rose

Close up of Rose. She looks evil, doesn’t she? Oh, I suppose you’ll want to know their traits. Here they are: Rose, Virtuoso and Friendly (you wouldn’t know it by her expression), Beth, Clumsy and Neurotic, and Sofia, Clumsy and Genius.


Close up of Sofia

Close-up of Sofia.


Close up of Sofia 2

Another pic of Sofia. She does have some cute expressions.


Would you like to move in

Destiny: Would you like to move in? I’m really gonna need help with these kids, and Devon just isn’t stepping up…not yet anyway.


Sure I'd love to move in

Kristian: Sure, I’d love to.

Well, that’s good. At least Destiny has a little help. Three little girls can be a handful after all.


Tune in for the next chapter, which will contain pictures of the toddler’s make-over and their lives as toddlers. The chapter after that will show the toddlers aging up to children, and Devon finally “stepping up” and taking responsibility. What will happen to Kristian? Will Destiny kick him out? Or will she keep him as a handy live-in babysitter? Also, what about Destiny’s mystery children in Egypt and France? They seem to be dying off. She used to have a total of 5 children in other countries. Now, she’s down to 2. What will she do about it? Will she just let them die? Or will she go rescue the survivors and bring them to live with her and the rest of her family? No hints, you’ll just have to keep reading.

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